By Mohib Hameed
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In ancient times, there were no effective or special systems in place. As a result, people’s lives were filled with difficulties and problems. During this era, killings, plunder, tyranny, prejudice, hatred, and chaos dominated the world. People were victims of ignorance and narrow-mindedness. Social lives were plagued by problems and destruction.
When the world entered the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the era of modernity began. This new age was characterised by advancements in science, technology, psychology, political thought, and revolution. During this period, various political, social, and psychological theories and systems emerged. Among these, a political system that proved beneficial for states and nations emerged: democracy.
Democracy transformed people’s lifestyles, making every moment and experience more fulfilling. But how beneficial has democracy been for countries and nations? What is democracy, and what is its true nature and usefulness?
If we examine the historical background of democracy, we learn that it began in ancient Greece around 500-400 BCE. Over time, democracy evolved and gained stability in its modern form. By the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, democracy had taken root in America and spread following the French Revolution.
Democracy is a political, social, and psychological system in which every individual has the right to express their opinion, as well as access to fundamental rights, justice, equality, and the protection of the law. In ancient times, the feudal system reigned, and people were denied basic rights. However, when a democratic system was established in any state, the social lives of its citizens improved.
Under democracy, the rule of law and the constitution prevail. People have the right to demand their rights, protest peacefully, and strike. In democracies, individuals are treated equally, and justice is upheld. In countries where democracy is established, people are happier and progress is evident. Democracy began in Europe and later spread to various parts of the world.
History shows that in countries where democratic systems were implemented, people’s lifestyles improved, and those countries prospered. In regions where democracy has not yet been established, the people suffer from poverty and hunger. There is no rule of law or constitution in these regions, and tyranny, prejudice, and hatred dominate.
If any country wants to progress and become prosperous, democracy is the key. Democracy is the secret to success for nations, enabling them to benefit and move forward.
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